Legal Disclosure
Legal Disclosure
Information and disclosure in accordance with §5 (1) ECG, § 25 MedienG, § 63 GewO, and § 14 UGB
Website Operator:
Tobias Euler-Rolle
Camillo-Sitte-Gasse 9, 1150 Vienna, Austria
Supervisory Authority:
Magistrate District Office for the 15th District (Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus)
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce
Contact Information:
Phone: +43 677 628 222 68
Applicable Legal Provisions:
Professional Title:
Advertising Agency (in accordance with § 94 Z 25 GewO)
Online Dispute Resolution:
Consumers residing in Austria or another contracting state of the ODR regulation have the opportunity to resolve disputes regarding the paid purchase of goods or services through online dispute resolution (in accordance with OS, AStG). The European Commission provides a platform for this purpose:
We are not obligated and not willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
The content of this website is, as far as legally possible, subject to various protections (e.g., copyright law). Any use or distribution of the provided material that is prohibited under copyright law requires the written consent of the website operator.
Despite careful content control, the website operator assumes no liability for the content of external links. The operators of linked sites are solely responsible for their content. If you become aware of external links pointing to websites with illegal activities or information, please inform us so that we can remove them immediately in accordance with § 17 (2) ECG.
The copyrights of third parties are observed by the website operator with the utmost care. If you still become aware of a copyright infringement, please notify us. Upon becoming aware of such legal violations, we will remove the relevant content immediately.